Information about Memor-i Studio
What is Memor-i Studio?Memor-i Studio is a platform that allows anyone without programming skills to create new inclusive electronic games. You can:
- download games for free
- create new Memor-i games with new sounds and images
- create variants ("clones") of a game and enrich it with additional images and sounds.
- play against the computer.
The games are created through the platform are targeted at people with blindness (audio file), people with visual impairments (black and white image) and sighted (color image).
Memor-i studio has been created by Science For You (SciFY), a Greek not-for-profit organization.
The Memor-i studio project has been funded by Public Benefit Foundation John S. Latsis.
For more information, click here.
The Memor-i studio project has been funded by Public Benefit Foundation John S. Latsis.
For more information, click here.
Memor-i studio has been created by Science For You (SciFY) and it's provided for free to all, as an open-source tool. Anyone can create their own games, without having programming knowledge. SciFY makes sure that as much as possible, all the games of Merom-i Studio are according to the laws and regulations. Also, it makes it possible for the users to report the games with inappropriate or illegal content, with the option "Report". Despite that, SciFY is in no way reliable for the content or the violations of the law pertaining the Copyright of games that have been created by third parties.
Crowdfunding sponsors of the initial version of Memor-i:
Elina Makri | Akrotiri Women's Group | Ioannis Pantazis | Μανώλης Χλουβεράκης |
Irina Arnold | Efthymia Bogea | Alfa Beta Roto S.A. | Krystallo Michou |
Ioannis Pantazis | Nikos Aletras | Ioannis Askitoglou | Bill Kapralos |
Christoforos Korakas | Nikki Johnston | Γεώργιος Βλάχος | Aggeliki Xona |
Dion SPILIOPOULOS | Meropi Paneli | Athina Spiliopoulou | Olympia Papayannakopoulou |
Orestis Popotas | Efstratios Andronikos | Orestis Telelis | Maria Terlixidou |
Marousa Tsakogianni | Dimitrios Stratakis | Monica Pistoli | Αθανάσιος Καραλής |
George Bogeas |
The Norwegian version of Memor-i was sponsored by the Norwegian embassy of Greece.
The PvP version of Memor-i was sponsored by the Public Benefit Foundation John S. Latsis.
The multilingual version of Memor-i and Memor-i Studio was developed in the context of the "SHAPES" European project.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020
research and
innovation programme under grant agreement No. 857159.

Assisting Living and Learning (ALL) Institute, Maynooth University, Co.
Kildare, Ireland